Big Move

We take our responsibility seriously
It's a Team Effort
Our professional team makes all the difference. They are well trained in their respective fields but most of all they understand the importance of moving other peoples property.

One of the key elements to Big Move Phuket Success is our staff. We expect that our staff work together as a team and understand our most basic belief that the customer comes first. You must take care of the customers belongings as if they were your own. This means that we must be able to trust all of our staff. We ensure that by doing the following:

Employee full time staff that go through extensive training with our most senior staff.
Only our staff are used on any relocation. We do not use day to day staff.
Our staff can handle your belongings once they have completed our training that teaches them how to handle your belongings with the utmost of care.
Any new staff will be assigned to a senior staff to mentored for 3 months so that they will receive proper training and understand Bigmove Phuket’s philosophy.

Our selection and training process is very comprehensive and we understand that our team defines our business. And we are pleased that most of our staff have worked for us for years. Mr. Yu our most senior staff has worked for Big Move Phuket for over 10 Years and is the supervisor for our team.

Our team works effectively together to make sure that we provide the most efficient way to move you and your belongings.

These are the key points that set us above the rest when selecting a moving company in Phuket.

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